Proactive Cell Banking from Ardent Animal Health

With Ardent’s Bank Now Save Later program you can ensure that your pet receives the most advanced care available when it’s needed. By banking your pet’s cells today you will be able to take advantage of current treatments and the endless possibilities of Actistem Therapy in the future. The process is simple, your veterinarian would remove fat tissue during a spay, neuter, or other surgery and send the sample to our lab to be processed and cryo-stored. Banking your young pet’s cells is the best insurance you can have for the rapidly growing list of diseases being helped by Actistem Therapy.

“We banked Jesse’s cells during his neuter surgery. There was no increased recovery time involved. When he was three he jumped off a table and injured his cruciate. The cells I stored for Jesse allowed me to treat his injury without major surgery. He couldn’t be happier now. EVERY pet owner should know about this!” – Ron, Olivia, & Jesse

How it works

Why Bank?

Cryobanking allows you to put something away for a rainy day—your pets’ repair cells—in case your pet suffers arthritis or degenerative disease later in life. Most dogs and cats suffer from diseases and ailments later in life:

  • Arthritis (25-30%)
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Joint cartilage damage
  • Ligament damage
  • Tendon damage

Future treatments:

  • IBD
  • Renal failure
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Ocular disease
  • Atopy
  • Degenerative myelopathy

What is Actistem Therapy?

Due to injury and/or age sometimes our own repair abilities can use a jump-start. By using the pet’s own repair cells isolated from fat tissue in the body, this repair ability can be applied to areas of need. This ability arises from repair cells that are found throughout our body. In the case of injury or disease repair cells are mobilized to damaged areas to attempt to fix the problem.


Is your pet a candidate? Click here to find out.