Tumor Pathology Now Available!
Ardent Animal Health is excited to offer single site pathology services in conjunction with K9-ACV. Samples can be submitted to Ardent Animal Health M-F with a 72 hour turn around for single site pathology. This service will be free for practices utilizing K9-ACV.
Request a Lab Service Cooler from Ardent Animal Health. This cooler is designed with the ability to send us tumor samples for both K9-ACV and Histopathology.

Ship Sample
Utilizing the provided materials from Ardent Animal Health, you will send us a sample for pathology as well as a sample to create the vaccine.

Receive Report within 72 HRS
Pathology report is received. Typically within 72 hours for single site pathology.

Vaccine is Shipped
If confirmed, finished vaccine is shipped overnight to your clinic and administered every 30 days.
What I think Ardent Animal Health is doing that very few other companies are doing out there is they are really pushing the envelope. They are really looking to offer those of us who treat pets with cancer new opportunities for improved quality of life.
Why K9-ACV?
Cancer cells can be recognized as foreign by the immune system if those cancer cells are presented to the immune system in a manner that “breaks immune tolerance.” Decades of research in mouse and human models have shown that tumor cells are very much like normal cells in that they express self-antigens that the body is taught to ignore early in development and throughout life. An immunosuppressive environment produced by growing tumors promotes an immune response toward the tumor that is ineffective, allowing the tumor to grow unchecked.
Experimental Autologous Cancer Vaccines created by Ardent Animal Health are provided under 9 CFR 103.3 via USDA Center for Veterinary Biologics oversight for use under supervision/prescription of a licensed veterinarian. Safety & efficacy have not been established.
Learn More about K9-ACV & our Pathology Service
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